First Sail - Munden Point - October 25th, 2000

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This is my very first sail on my West Wight Potter P-19. We have named her the Kerrie Lynne, after my wife. I hope she behaves! The body of water is the North Landing River which is just north of the Currituck Sound, just west of Back Bay. The course that I followed was south on the Intercoastal Waterway.
The wind was pretty strong, weather reports said 5 - 10 knots, but it felt really strong to me. Anyway, since it was my first sail, I decided to take it easy and just sailed on the jib alone. The boat sailed beautifully. It was getting late so I motored back. I underestimated how fast the sun would set and how long it would take me to have the boat ready for trailering. The park closed at dusk and park personnel were parked beside me "urging" me to hurry up. It was pretty dark by the time I got the trailer underway. Kerrie (my wife) was pretty upset with me since it was after dark on my first sail and I hadn't called to say where I was. I think remembering to call home was the most important lesson of the first sail. Anyway, I had a grand time and really enjoyed "pottering around."


Sails not up yet!



Sailing on the jib alone.





I don't know what this guy was doing but for about 15 minutes he circled this spot.
I received the following comment from a reader: "By the way...the helicopter that you took pics of is a Sikorsky UH-3H Sea King from a squadron down at NAS Norfolk called HC-2. The hover work they were doing on the James was practice rescue work, probably using a buoy as a simulated "survivor" in the water. HC-2 is partly a training squadron. When the weather is iffy offshore, they use the James for training because it's close to home. I flew in that squadron from '95 to '98." (thanks for the info Charlie!)



Some beautiful homes - my camera needs a stronger zoom. I could see much more detail with my eyes that the camera shows.



There were quite a lot of sail boats heading south on the Intercoastal Waterway. Most were just sailing on their jibs as well.




Getting the boat out of the water.



Having a second person would have been very helpful.



The sun is pretty low in the sky which makes for some very pretty color. I would have liked to have taken the time to enjoy the sunset but I knew that time was ticking.




Route taken as recorded by GPS.

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